My sis bought me Beth Moore's new study, Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman for my birthday back in January. I just now finally started it...and I cannot put it down! If you're looking for a study to do in your quiet time, I highly recommend it.
This is no lie. My sis has been trying to get me to run for years to no avail. I rolled my eyes and secretly thought she'd gone off the deep end when my friend told me she was going to train for a marathon. Then I turned 30 and went off the deep end myself and decided I'd start running--that was April 28, 2008. After completing a walk run program, my first 5k, and my first 10k, I ran my first half marathon. I have now completed3 half marathons. I'm not speedy. I complain plenty. And there have been many stumbles along the way, but I'm still moving. To see how I got started, begin reading here.
I'm glad you're enjoying it! I love you sis!