Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Weight Watchers Report: Week 1 of 8

Weigh In: -2

This is what one pound of fat looks like:

I lost 2 of these! When I think 2 pounds “isn’t that much”, I’m going to peek back at this photo.

Overall, I had a good first week. I stayed on plan through the week and saved most of my “extra points” (WW gives you 35 “extra” points a week) and “activity points” (the points you get for exercise) so that I could eat what I wanted over the weekend (within reason). This worked out well!

I was mostly worried about eating out. We ate out Friday night, but I was able to find some delicious mahi mahi and rice on the menu. I knew Saturday would be a high point day because we planned to watch the Aggie game at Buffalo Wild Wings. I also knew that my sis would have relatively healthy fare at her house though. I exercised some self control and only had one cookie a day at Lori’s (she always has delicious homemade cookies!) so I considered that a victory. I did go over on my points as a whole so I was surprised to see that I still lost 2 pounds. I’m sure a portion of this is water weight, but I’ll take it. Any scale movement is motivating!

I'm going to follow WW for at least 8 weeks. (I came up with 8 weeks because that is how long it is until I go to Kauai! Thanks, Sis!) I hope to lose 12 pounds by then. That's 1.5 pounds of weight loss per week.


  1. that pic of the fat is SO GROSS!!! I thought about joining ww again this week!! Maybe I should and we can do it together!

  2. Good for you, you look great. Keep up the good work!!!!! SIS
