Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ready or Not, Here it Comes

Forecast for Sunday: low of 58, high of 72, and winds blowing 25-30 mph. You have got to be kidding me! If I was supposed to get up on Sunday and run 13 miles, and I saw a weather forecast like this, I'd stay in bed and run 13 another day. I do not do well in heat. Let me repeat that. I. Do. Not. Do. Well. In. Heat. If it is hot, I stay inside. I am fair skinned, and I don't want a sun burn among other things. I am a fair weather runner. I do not run in the heat. I do not run in the rain. I do not run in the snow. I do not run when it's windy. (This sounds like a Dr. Seuss book, but I digress.) I know that's contrary to most runners, but I've already confessed I'm not a runner, I'm a non runner. I was really feeling okay about this thing, but this recent news disturbs me. Sure, one might think, "at least we'll all be dealing with the wind and heat together" might make me feel better. It doesn't. Most of the people out there are not fair weather runners. I'm discouraged.

On a more positive note, Jonathan and I got bundled up and went for a run around the neighborhood last night looking at Christmas lights. It was great! No pain or fatigue whatsoever really. No watch. No idea how far we truly went--just out and about looking at lights. That's what I'm looking forward to after all of these halfs are over...just running about with no watch, no distance, and no goal really, other than to keep moving and be outside.


  1. You've once again come this far, the weather isn't going to stop you. Just enjoy and do like you did last night on your run with JPZ. You will enjoy much more that way. I love your change of heart no watch, no time, no distance, just run and enjoy life. I'll be there for you Sunday and enduring all the obstacles with you. Along with 17,000 others WOW you can't even imagine the people. Love you, Lori

  2. I hope you can just enjoy life after this. Have fun with your sister. Love, Mom
