Monday, December 1, 2008

Week 3 of 5: Mulligan Half Training Report

T: 4 m (skipped)
R: 12k (only did the 2 mile)
Sa: 6 m (did 9 miles)

Well, it wasn't as much of a fail week as the previous weeks, but it still wasn't good. Fortunately, my billing year is complete, and I can get back on track. Unfortunately, now it's time to taper, but I don't have much to taper about since my mileage never got up to where it should have.

I didn't run the 12k in the Turkey Trot as planned. As usual, I was dreading the race. I knew there would be hills which did not help my motivation, and I also knew I'd be by myself, which further decreased my motivation. There were plenty of people to run the 2 mile with and talk with and laugh with so I just ran it. I'm glad I did. We really had a lot of fun (again, "fun" and "run" is a new concept for me).

On Saturday my sis and I got up and ran for almost 2 hours. I was dreading it right through the first 3 miles, but then ended up having a good time. It was nice to run with someone and talk (sure did make the time pass "quickly"). More than anything, running and visiting with someone distracted me from thinking about how much (or what little) time had passed and what was aching. I ran 10:30 then walked 1 minute throughout. It worked out well. I never walked longer than planned and even extended some of the running segments. My knee started hurting at about 1:45:00, but it held up pretty well overall. It was really cold out, and I tend to think that helped it a little (my legs were pretty numb from the cold).

I was beginning to wonder if I really would be able to finish the White Rock half marathon with as little training as I've been doing and as much as my IT band and knee have bothered me, but Saturday gave me a vote of confidence that I'll be able to finish. I no longer have any preconceived notions about beating my previous time though. I'd just like to finish and feel proud about it. I have a feeling that will mean sticking to my walk 1 minute every mile schedule and power walking the hills, but I'm okay with that.

1 comment:

  1. Hey---keep it up!!It was run running the Turkey Trot with ya!!!
